Discuss how the model is divided into the two domains of motivation and how it is subdivided into personal, social, and structural sources.
Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan y Al Switzler, desarrollaron un modelo para producir sobre otros ciertos efectos (influir) con el libro "Influencer: The Power to Change Anything.”To be clear, Patterson, Grenny, Maxeld, McMillan, and Switzler didn’t discover a magic bullet. Rather, they uncovered a common set of tools that have been proven effective in different combinations, under different circumstances.The authors also came to understand that the world’s greatest influencers start by focusing on behaviors. They don’t seek to apply an influence strategy until they have clearly defined the underlying behavior they are targeting. The most important part of leading change is understanding what you are leading towards, when it will happen, and being able to track progress towards it. Use both quantitative and qualitative metrics.
Don’t waste time on how to create change until you’ve carried what you want, why you want it, and when you want it. An effective result is:
1. Specific and measurable. It is quantitative not qualitative.
2. What you really want. It’s the outcome that matters.
3. Time bound. It comes with a completion date.
This model divides influence into two main domains: motivation and ability. These domains are subdivided into three sources: personal, social, and structural.
The first strategy involves creating new experiences by providing individuals with ample opportunities to actually try the behavior. Trying a new behavior enables people to stop predicting how it will feel, which historically, is often wrong. The authors suggest using modeling to create vicarious experiences. It is important for individuals to feel like it is almost a game, that is, use reasonably challenging goals and clear feedback in order to engage individuals. Take The focus o of the activity itself and attempt to reconnect the person’s behavior with the vital behavior, in order for
successful inuence.The second strategy involves creating new motives for the vital behavior. Influencers must make the new behavior relevant to an individual. When people make their behavior morally significant, almost anything can be achieved. In daily life we are often not moral thinkers, so it's imperative that influencers get individuals to act on their morality instead of blurring the vision by acting on emotions.
A person’s resistance to change is because of a lack of skill. People underestimate the need to learn and practice the skill they desire. In fact, all people who achieve extraordinary accomplishments do so because they have practiced the right actions in a controlled environment. People simply cannot change through sheer willpower alone.
The most powerful influence tool out there is the people who we respect. They can easily persuade any social network to either follow through with change or can grind change into a halt. In order to utilize this power, it is necessary to be the one respected person within the network who can model the new vital behavior. It is also necessary to spend a large amount of time with the respected people in the network in order to build trust, and enable them to spread the message of change. Sometimes it is necessary to invite everyone in the network to come together and talk openly in
order for change to be widely accepted. It is important to seek a healthy dialogue, and strive to create a safe venue for discussing controversial topics. In some cases, change efforts require the help of all members of the organization. “People must be plucked from their support structure and placed in a new network, one where virtually everyone in their new social circle supports and rewards the right behaviors while punishing the wrong ones” (Patterson et al.2008, p. 164).
In the entertainment business, there are many examples of heroes who have defeated many enemies alone. In North America especially, the authors maintained that partially because of the entertainment industry, society has become unwilling to use cooperation in order to solve problems. Rarely does any one person have the ability to have success in every single problem they encounter. It is necessary to invest in building our own social capital in order to help us succeed in all complex situations. Expert influencers know the importance of building social capital. “They’re quick to consider what help, authority, consent, or cooperation individuals may need when facing risky or daunting new behaviors. Then they develop an influence strategy that offers the social capital required to help make change inevitable”
(Patterson et al. 2008, p. 192).
The first four sources of influence deal primarily with changing individual behavior in order to have success in the vital behavior. Sometimes though, we need to utilize incentives to help create change. Patterson et al. (2008) noted that rewards must be linked to vital behaviors in order to be successful. They should be closely linked to specific actions you want repeated, and not just outcomes. In terms of rewards, it is also important to rely on personal and social motivators first. Small incentives that reward improvements, and that are heartfelt are the most appreciated.Before administering punishments of any kind, the authors advise leaders to provide a clear warning before handing out the punishment. People need to understand that negative things will happen if the negative behaviors continue.Punishments make an organization firmly understand their core values, and can be used to change behavior if correctly administered.
The final strategy presented involves the changing of actual things within the building. People fail to realize the impact on change that changes a few things at work, which means that this strategy is often overlooked. It is also far easier to change things rather than people. Another reason that we do not always adopt this sixth strategy, is that even If we realize the impact our environment is having on us, it is often difficult to know what to do about it. Once the element for change has been identified, the next step is to provide cues to remind people of the behaviors you hope to influence. The small cues draw attention to the important details, change how people think, which in turn, changes behavior. Change also becomes easier and more manageable when changes to the physical environment can eradicate choice altogether. When structure is relied on, the vital behavior an expert influencer strives to change becomes inevitable. The behavior becomes more of a pattern, and failure does not become an option.
Consider how many sources of influence need to be addressed to get children to make a change. Discuss why it is so important to explore the six sources of influence if you want to be successful in your change effort.
You need to combine at least four preferably or more sources of influence. Your chances for success go up 10 times (Washed Up video). It is essential to address the six sources of influence to achieve significant changes in a child's behavior since each one acts directly on behavior and motivation. Especially when it comes to assuming a new model, such as learning to write from blended learning. I think it is important to explore each of them because without intrinsic motivation or without social support, it is very difficult to want to learn to write at an age where play and fun are a priority. Likewise, having a solid structure helps them develop skills they can use when frustration and demotivation take over their behavior. The help of friends and colleagues and constant interaction with others in writing and reading comprehension activities are decisive in reviewing and fixing the contents.
The influencers came to the conclusion that if you understand the science behind behaviors,
you can change remarkably resistant behaviors. “All of this is important to know because if you want to change the world, you eventually have to change how people behave. And if you want to change how they behave, you have to rest and change how they think”(p.20). This means that we as people, can learn how to influence others, it is not because of a character flaw or lack of motivation. We need to see it because of a character flaw or lack of motivation. We need to see ourselves as influencers, and study the masters in order to learn.
(2023). All Washed Up! https://youtu.be/cW0qZl6IrkI?si=v3MRSgisv7hw83w3
Influences. Book summary. (n.d.). www.transformleader.com.
Petterson, K., & Grenny, J. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change, Second Edition. (McGraw-Hill Education. ed.).
Youtube Video. (2022). Harnessing Social Pressure. https://youtu.be/wu7UBY5euBg?si=30gjT0uYrSNP2gVY