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 Developing Effective Professional Leadership 

"Effective professional development is not just an opportunity to learn new skills, but an opportunity to reflect on one's own practice, collaborate with colleagues, and improve student learning."

Michael Fullan,



My main goal is to issue a call to action to improve and renew these meetings, turning them into spaces where genuine collaboration, professional growth, and skill development are at the core. This call to action aims to redefine how we understand and conduct PLC meetings, ensuring they are about meeting a schedule and creating a space. Where every educator feels supported and motivated to improve continually. Through "Connect-Collaborate-Grow," I want to emphasize the importance of creating a work environment where exchanging ideas and authentic collaboration drive professional growth.

Dartboard Bullseye

In action


Implementing " Change the Game: Connect, Collaborate, and Grow"  can be a game-changer in taking PLCs from a routine experience to a little more meaningful and powerful for educators. It's about slowly moving from a meeting-based culture toward meeting spaces where authentic interaction, professional learning, and increasing capacity are the focus of continuous growth.

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