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Beach at Sunset

"Children's future is always today; tomorrow will be too late.

                                         Gabriela Mistral

Boy with DIY Robot

Instructional Design
Online Learning

We present a comprehensive and detailed description of this Kindergarten Research Writing course. Overview, curriculum design, presentation, navigability, and reflection. This course will help younger students build the foundation for research and writing through blended learning, integrating hands-on activities with digital resources. The instructional design focuses on logical progressions to guide students through digital resources and research understanding to find ideas, organize information, and revise. This class is organized into five blocks or modules to help students develop their research and writing skills in an engaging, fun, and supportive learning environment.

When all is said and done, it’s all about making an impact and facilitating change within your online learners. The learning process should encourage them to evaluate their own cognitions and work toward bettering themselves. Even if that means challenging assumptions and beliefs that are holding them back. Push online learners past their comfort zone without making them feel too uncomfortable.


This Implementation course takes a beginning approach with kindergarten students on the process of research-based writing in a fun and step-by-step manner. Through this multi-module course, students take their first steps in conducting simple research to gather information from different text sources such as books, websites, and experts. Then, they organize that information into order and create an informational text. Emphasis will also be paid to writing, including revising, editing, and sharing one's work with others.


Usability testing was conducted, which helped me gain advice on making the course even more effective and accessible to meet the needs of kindergarten students. This course has been improved and optimized to be user-friendly and educationally impactful. The design, implementation, and refinement of this innovative kindergarten research writing course will enable youngsters to begin their journey in research and writing.

Research Writing Kindergarten Course
Instructional Design
Research Writing Kindergarten Course

Research Writing Kindergarten Course
Usability & Reflection
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