This was the first time I considered creating a website or ePortfolio. The insertion of the ADL program allowed me to get started! I felt proud of my evolution and saw in my practice the validation of Carol Dweck's theory: Successful people are not necessarily the most intelligent, but those who work hard and are consistent. If you want to know how I plan to model the growth mindset and the "yet" message in my classroom, see my Growth Mindset Plan section.
In The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck presents some evidence of how her theory has impacted and transformed students' learning styles. Here, I leave you an example of some of her notes.
I got an e-mail from one of my undergraduate students shortly after I had taught her the growth mindset. Here’s how she used to study before: “When faced with really tough material I tend[ed] to read the material over and over.” After learning the growth mindset, she started using better strategies—that worked:
Professor Dweck: When Heidi [the teaching assistant] told me my exam results today I didn’t know whether to cry or just sit down. Heidi will tell you, I looked like I won the lottery (and I feel that way, too)! I can’t believe I did SO WELL. I expected to “scrape” by. The encouragement you have given me will serve me well in life. . . . I feel that I’ve earned a noble grade, but I didn’t earn it alone. Prof. Dweck, you not only teach [your] theory, you SHOW it. Thank you for the lesson. It is a valuable one, perhaps the most valuable I’ve learned at Columbia. And yeah, I’ll be doing THAT [using these strategies] before EVERY exam! Thank you very, very much (and you TOO Heidi)! No longer helpless, June
For me, good training is one that not only makes you participate and learn actively but also gives you something more: new knowledge (knowing), new tools (knowing how to do), and inspiration (wanting to do). On this occasion, I will focus on the ePortfolio tool because it is a determining element in achieving an authentic learning environment where knowledge and inspiration are its fundamental bases.
Dr. Dwayne Haranuik, an instructor at Lamar University, says.
If we simply build upon the minimalist definition of an ePortfolios as a learner’s digital evidence of meaningful connections, then the answer to why one would want to create an ePortfolios is to show those meaningful connections. This notion of showing what one has created, developed, built, written or assembled is an extremely important aspect of an effective learning environment that is often overlooked beyond the show & tell sessions that we fondly remember from primary school.
I learned about “The ePortfolio” for the first time in EDLD 5302 Concepts of Educational Technology; from that moment on, a door towards creation, innovation, and authenticity opened, capturing all my attention. At first, I was reluctant to accept the challenge. It was something that I previously believed was only for specialists on the subject. I spent long hours and countless days researching how to do what was impossible in my eyes. Then, due to urgent needs, I began to create my first home page. At that moment, I felt a deep emotion. Although moments of despair and anguish due to the impotence of ignorance constantly invaded the space, I HAD ALREADY PREPARED my first page on a website! Then, I began to design the page about me and other random ones connected through links to other subpages loaded with information, videos, and images that gave an authentic color to my page on the Wix site. Later, in EDLD 5303, he had the opportunity to reconnect with me through updates and organization of my work.
If I were to compare my old ePortfolio with the new one, the EDLD 5302 allowed me to start. A starting point is essential because it overcomes inertia, generates momentum, and teaches us by doing. Moreover, EDLD 5303 has given me awareness and reason for my ePortfolio. The quality of the included elements, the structured analysis, and the visual style have gradually improved. The reflections made in the blog are now more profound, linking the content of everything learned so far. I have been changing the style of my ePortfolio, so when updating and publishing, everything is erased. I do not have a presentation of my old ePortfolio. However, I have some excellent recommendations from Dr. Harapnuik about improving my blog page in my old ePortafolio, which you can see below.
Now I have much more control over the buttons, strips, decorations, columns and all the variety it gives us. I created a new page, 5313, where he could explain and share what he thinks about the latest topics in education. I have had the opportunity to create my blog for the first time and update and define the colors representing my voice.
When someone listens and understands us, we feel valued and respected. We feel more connected to the people around us, which helps us feel internal satisfaction. People need to be heard. It is a call of our times!
Inspired students are intrinsically motivated to learn when they perceive that they have a high degree of autonomy and voluntary participation in an activity rather than because they are being externally controlled
(Deci & Ryan, 2000).
The following links provide examples and support for choice, ownership, voice and authenticity:
Dweck, C. (2006). The New Psychology of Success. Copyright.
Harapnuik, D. (2021). Learner’s Mindset Explained.
Harapnuik, D. (2023). Why Use an ePortfolio.
Harapnuik, D. (2023). Why Use an ePortfolio.